ETI Umwelttechnik AG
    Kalchbühlstrasse 18
    CH-7007 Chur

Products > Dexsil

Polychlorinated Biphenyls

Analyzer system and test kits for detecting PCB in dielectric fluids, soils, water and surface wipe samples

Petroleum Hydrocarbons

Analyzer system for quantifying total petroleum hydrocarbon in soils, for example during clean-ups of contaminated sites

Chlorine (Halogens)

Test kits for quantifying total chlorine in used oils

Total Acid/Base Number

Test kits for quantifying total acid/base number in industrial and lubricating oils of aeroplanes, ships, railway engines or giant trucks

Water in Used Oil

Analyzer system for quantifying water in used oils

Fuels and Biodiesel

Test kits for quantifying biodiesel in diesel & ethanol in fuel